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Magic Breakfast

Family Action, in partnership with Magic Breakfast, will continue to run the National School Breakfast Programme until March 2021. This one-year extension will kick-start self-sustaining clubs in schools in disadvantaged areas. So far the two charities have recruited over 1,800 schools in disadvantaged areas, and report that over 280,000 breakfasts are served in these schools every day through the programme and we are proud to be one of these schools.

Magic breakfast provides for our children access to a wide variety of cereals and porridge during breakfast club and also a bagel for each child when they arrive to school, to start there day off with a full stomach!

David Holmes CBE, Chief Executive, Family Action:

“Thanks to the successful National School Breakfast Programme, we are already providing a free, nutritious breakfast every school day to over 280,000 children in some of the most deprived areas of England. Family Action is delighted that the new funding announced today by the Department for Education ensures that the NSBP will now continue for an extra year. The new funding means that we can offer an additional term of support to more than 1,800 existing NSBP schools and support up to 650 new schools to kick start or improve their breakfast provision. Every single meal that is being provided through this programme is making an immediate difference to children across the country every day. It is literally fuelling learning.”