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About us

Our school day begins at 8:50 (gates open at 8:40) and ends at 3:10.  It is very important that the children are in their places and ready to learn by 8:50.  Total weekly 32.5 hours

We have a breakfast club which starts at 8am for the excellent-value cost of £1.50 per session.

Ingoldmells Academy will promote high-quality learning as an entitlement for all pupils and will ensure they reach their full potential, with no limit to what they can achieve.

Our ethos

We are committed to the highest of standards, both academically and for the whole child. Our pupils deserve the very best and we work tirelessly with the children, our families and the community we serve to produce the most positive outcomes.

Our children are taught about the importance of respect and teamwork, knowing that everybody is special and that we can achieve great things if we work together.  We have a caring ethos and everyone involved in the school has a sense of belonging, knowing that Ingoldmells Academy is a wonderful place to be.  The children celebrate the success of others and know that every day is an opportunity to do something amazing! 

Our pupils and staff are proud to be part of Ingoldmells Academy. We support all of our pupils so that once they reach the end of Year 6, they are in the best possible position to move on successfully to the next stage of their education.


When your child is using a computer at home or in school please encourage them to follow these simple SMART rules:

S is for SAFE- Don’t give out information like your full name and address. Don’t put pictures online of you in your school uniform.

M is for MEETING- Never agree to meet someone you’ve only met online.

A is for ACCEPTING- Don’t accept messages or information from strangers.

R is for Reliable-People online could be lying about who they are- stick to reliable people you know.

T is for TELL-Let an adult know straight away if you feel you are being bullied online.


At Ingoldmells Academy, we will do everything we can to make sure that your child learns in a safe environment. Our assembly themes and PSHE lessons regularly feature safety and how the children, at an age-appropriate level, can help to keep themselves safe.