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Our Curriculum Intent

At the Ingoldmells Academy our curriculum is based on what we believe our children need from us to support them in being successful, thriving young people and adults. The diagram below summarises the views of our school community and what we believe are the essential ingredients of our curriculum.

The key words which form the basis of our approach are:

Knowledge, Skills, Experiences, Aspiration, Respect, Teamwork  


We want to help each child to:

  • have the knowledge that they need to support their future lives.
  • develop a range of skills that enable them to be applied in a range of situations and contexts.
  • experience the world around them and learn from enrichment opportunities to further support and embed their knowledge and skills.
  • be independent and capable learners who strive to achieve their best and set goals for the future.
  • be a respectful and kind citizen who demonstrates our British Values in their everyday lives.
  • successfully collaborate with others to make positive contributions to their class, school and wider community.

A key component of our curriculum development is to ensure that the children can have the opportunity to...

*revisit and build on prior learning *ensure key facts and vocabulary are secured and remembered*


We will do this by supporting, guiding and inspiring our children through excellent teaching practices that expose the children to opportunities to teach specific skills:

By working with our families, we create an aspirational environment and academy community where everyone is valued and successes are celebrated.

As part of the Greenwood Academies Trust we benefit from being part of a wider community. The Curriculum Leaders meet termly to share best practice, ideas for curriculum development and provide challenge across the academies.

For further details about the implementation of our Curriculum Intent, please see the full document attached below and see the individual subject tabs.  We believe that all pupils should be able to access our curriculum and we fully support all pupils and families, regardless of age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion or belief, sex, and sexual orientation (protected characteristics as identified in the Equalities Act).  All pupils with SEND are fully supported to access the curriculum.

Extra-Curricular activities

Each term, we send out a list of extra-curricular opportunities for children to choose from, and we also take children and parents' suggestions for what we offer.

We send out termly Knowledge Organisers with details of the key learning in each subject. Please come in and visit us if there is any more information you would like about our curriculum!