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The Ingoldmells Academy Additional Needs Team.

The name of the academy’s SENCO is Mrs Clark. They can be contacted via the academy office.

You can find the trust-wide SEND policy here.

Details of the local SEND offer can be found at Lincolnshire Local Offer.

Our accessibility plan for ensuring access to all pupils can be found below - ' Accessibility Plan GAT IGA'

Please see below our most recent SEN information report.

Our vision for SEND

  • At Ingoldmells Academy we aim for all pupils to become happy, confident learners so that they can progress and reach their full potential.
  • Every child is has a unique way of approaching life and learning.  Some children may have individual needs that may affect their learning. Some children may need extra support with their learning and here at Ingoldmells Academy we strive to provide the best nurture and support to help give children the necessary skills to reach their full potential. 
  • This package of support is varied -  it can be provided through high quality teaching within the classroom to ensure inclusivity or through individual and group sessions which may be delivered both in or out of the classroom.
  • We are a dedicated team of staff who deliver targeted intervention.
  • Children will be monitored closely to look at progress and what special support they need. The 2014 Code of Practice identifies four areas of special educational needs. These are:  communication difficulties; cognitive skills and learning difficulties; difficulties associated with social, emotional and mental well-being; and sensory and physical difficulties.
  •  The school aspires to maintain close links with parents and to provide appropriate support based upon the views of staff, parents and the child.
  • If your child has SEND then they may require support that is 'additional to and different' from the rest of the class. This does not necessarily mean that they will need to be taught outside the classroom. Teachers adapt learning activities so that all children can access them. Teachers use a range of different strategies to support children in order from them to be included in the learning and activities with their peers

This flow diagram shows what happens if a parent or teacher has concerns about a child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to talk to their child’s teacher or make an appointment to see the SENDCo directly.

We are proud:

  • Of our links with the other Academies in our cluster and use this to ensure that expertise are shared for the benefit of the children.
  • Of our  working relationships with outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Team and Specialist Teaching services.
  • Of our approachability and open-door policy.
  • The rate of progress achieved by many of our SEND children

Package of Provision

At Ingoldmells Academy we have outlined our high quality SEND offer - what can we offer children with SEND?


  • Scaffolds to support children access the learning in class so that they access abroad and balanced curriculum.
  • Use of ICT equipment and additional learning resources.
  • Different intervention groups for learning.
  • External agency support.
  • Personalised IEPs to identify specific targets. 
  • Individuals, such as Teaching Assistants, may give one to one support in cases where the needs of a child are complex and severe.
  • Using specific resources to support learning where necessary.
  • Using data to track the effectiveness of the intervention.
  • Quality first teaching
  • TA support
  • Pastoral support
  • Differentiated curriculum/extension activities
  • Visual timetables/individual workstations
  • Scaffolded frames to aid work
  • Word banks
  • Now/Next boards
  • Targeted seating

At times we may need to involve the bespoke expertise of outside outreach services to provide specialist support and advice, these professionals can work alongside the SENCo and Class Teacher is providing observations, suggestions and recommendations to implement in ensuring needs are catered for.  These can come from:

  • Speech and language therapy
  • Autism Outreach
  • Behaviour Outreach
  • Educational Psychology Service
  • Visual and Hearing Impairment service
  • Occupational Therapy service
  • Community Paediatricians
  • Healthy Minds
  • Portage
  • Early Years Inclusion Team

We regularly use training packages to upskill our staff in ensuring we consider specific learning styles and using the context of the school we tailor training to learn about how to provide provision of a high standard. 

If you require confidential and impartial advice about SEND and what services your child could benefit from follow this link:

For parent specific support in EHC tribunals, support in writing letters, requesting statutory assessments or outlining appropriate outreach follow this link:

Sunshine Support – Sunshine Support (

If you wish to contact Mrs Clark, please see our contact page, directing your enquiry to Mrs Clark.

Please let us know of any comments that you may have.